Policies and Procedures

We have had a lot of time to observe and adjust over the last couple of years with how daily operations at Dyer Animal Clinic have gone. With all the input and concerns, we are going into the new year with updated policies and protocols! We understand that change is not always received well and hard to adapt to. However, these changes are to better serve our clients and patients.

Our PARTIAL CURBSIDE protocol is HERE TO STAY. This is not directly due to COVID, but it does help with preventing our immune compromised Doctors and Staff from contracting any other illnesses (including COVID). Keeping everyone healthy at Dyer Animal Clinic will keep the clinic open to continue daily operations and appointments. Without our Doctors and Staff, we would not be able to open the front doors to provide care for our patients.

Checking in For Appointments & Picking Up Medications / Information

Once parked in the lot, clients are to CALL THE OFFICE AT (219) 865-3737 and check-in with a client service representative.

We will allow ONE person (if a child is present - we will ask you to wait in the vehicle for the duration of the appointment) into the appointment with the doctor and technician/assistant for the appointment for your pet. (mask is optional)

***This is not directly due to COVID, but it does help with preventing our immune compromised Doctors and Staff from contracting any other illnesses (including COVID). Keeping everyone healthy at Dyer Animal Clinic will keep the clinic open to continue daily operations and appointments. Without our Doctors and Staff, we would not be able to open the front doors to provide care for our patients.

The lobby in our facility is also not large enough to have everyone wait in that area for their appointments, pick up for medications, etc. Also, not all patients are fond of other animals and/or other people. Keep in mind that some patients that come in are not feeling well and may not react well to being around other animals/people. We would never want any physical/verbal altercations between patients (or clients) if an ill patient acts out in displaced aggression from not feeling well. How patients behave at home is not how they always will behave when coming to the veterinarian’s office.

Being Present in the Exam Room with Your Pet(s)

Unless specifically requested, we instruct that the person present remain seated in the exam room and allow the technician/assistant to hold and help the doctor perform services. Our staff is well trained and capable of doing their job to help the doctor throughout the appointment. This is also for the safety of the owner, the pet, technician/assistant, and doctor.


Payment for services rendered is due at the end of the appointment, on the same day. We do not offer payment plans.

WE ACCEPT: Cash, Check, Care Credit, Visa, Master Card, Discover, & American Express.

There will be a 3% service fee charged separately that you will see on your statements if you are paying by card (including debit cards). That service fee will be on top of the total that is due at the time of service.

There will be a $35 fee charged for any returned checks additional to amount owed.

New Client Appointments

There will be a REQUIRED $65 Deposit to schedule your pet’s first appointment with us. This deposit does get taken off at your first scheduled visit. 24-hour notice is required for cancellations or to reschedule, otherwise deposit will be forfeited. Failure to show up for the scheduled appointment without any notice will result in forfeiting the deposit and will require another deposit to reschedule. This initial deposit requirement does apply to past clients that have not been active at our facility in 2+ years.

Surgery Appointments

There will be a REQUIRED $200 Deposit to schedule a procedure. With how far our anesthetic procedures are booked, we have had multiple (and too many) no call/no shows. These missed appointments for surgery – without notice – has prevented us from helping other patients in need of a procedure who had to be scheduled further out. With no notice, it does not give any clients time to arrange to get to us or even take the surgery spot if the pet has been fed.

After putting the deposit down, you have up until TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED PROCEDURE to reschedule or cancel. After that time frame, it is NON-REFUNDABLE. If you give us ample time to reschedule or cancel, the deposit will follow your rescheduled procedure, or we can refund it back to the client.

Our priority is the patient and many patients have missed out on procedure days due to clients not showing up or calling in to allow us to get another patient in that needs it!

No Call / No Show Appointments

Current Clients

If we do not get 24 HOUR NOTICE that you are not going to come for a scheduled appointment, ALL FUTURE APPOINTMENTS will REQUIRE a $65 DEPOSIT. We have had too many clients fail to show up for their pet’s appointments which limits our availability to get in other clients’ pets.

New Clients

The deposit that was provided is no longer refundable/transferable. Rescheduling missed appointments would require a new deposit of $65.


***Dyer Animal Clinic does have a voicemail system that is active after business hours. Messages are date and time stamped at the time of the call. It is available to leave a message to request to cancel/reschedule our patients’ appointments.

Late Appointments

If a client is more than 5 minutes late to their scheduled appointment and we do not get a call:

The First Offense


The Second Offense

The appointment will get rescheduled WITH THE $65 DEPOSIT TO BE DUE AT TIME OF RESCHEDULING.

The Third Offense

You will not be able to schedule ANY appointments without a $65 DEPOSIT.


Refills & Written Scripts

If your pet needs a refill or written script of any medication/supplement: it is required to be called in 48 HOURS AHEAD OF TIME.

**Prescription Food Orders need to be called in by FRIDAY to be able to get it in the next week.

***If your pet needs something on the same day or within 24 hours, there will be a $5 pick-up fee for the convenience.

Third-Party Pharmacy Prescription Requests

BEGINNING JULY 1ST, 2024 – Dyer Animal Clinic will no longer be authorizing third-party pharmacy prescription requests.

We offer medications, prescription strength preventatives, prescription diets, and other products that require a veterinarian to authorize through our facility. If we do not carry certain items in-clinic, we have an online pharmacy where our veterinarians will be able to authorize what their patient needs that can be conveniently delivered to their home. The products and medications that we sell through our clinic and online store are guaranteed products through the main manufacturers and distributors; and those items come directly from them. Any products purchased for a patient through our clinic or online pharmacy and given as directed have the benefit of getting money back on any treatment needed for that patient if the patient contracts preventable disease(s) while on that product. The original manufacturers have a satisfaction guarantee if it is purchased from a credible facility.

We understand that our clients have the choice to order through a third-party pharmacy and can continue to do so. However, starting July 1st, any client choosing that option will have to sign off understanding that ordering from other third-party pharmacies does run a risk of not getting guaranteed products by the manufacturer and distributor. By signing off, the client understands that any guarantees the manufacturer offers may not be honored due to it coming from a third-party pharmacy and it will be the clients’ responsibility to get a written script and getting it to the third-party pharmacy as directed (mailing in, uploading to their site, physically taking it to their pharmacy choice, etc.) ***48-Hour Request for Written Scripts still applies if one is needed

We must advocate for the patients that come to Dyer Animal Clinic and make sure that we are doing what is best for them. Since we cannot guarantee third-party pharmacy products, we can no longer authorize those requests. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we continue to assure the best care and protocols for our patients.

Appointment-Based Clinic

We ask that our clients understand that we are an appointment-based clinic. We cannot always guarantee availability, but our clients are welcome to call AT 7:45AM to inquire about any cancellations. We do not have a cancellation list as those openings are on a 'first-call first-served' basis. Being a clinic signifies that we are not equipped, staffed, or have certain capabilities as a hospital or emergency facility would have - to handle urgent or emergency situations. Sometimes, that means we must refer to a walk-in or emergency facility. That is not because we do not want to help a pet in need; BUT we want that pet to get the care they require sooner than later. So, if we cannot provide them immediate attention or the proper care that your pet needs, we are so lucky to have numerous emergency AND walk-in facilities in our area to help appointment-based clinics, like us, have a place to get our pets' more immediate care when unexpected events/issues arise.

Zero-Tolerance Policy

Just a friendly reminder that we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on aggressive/loud, disrespectful, foul, leud, and demeaning behavior and/or language towards any of the Doctors and Staff employed here at Dyer Animal Clinic. If a client cannot be mature, patient, mindful, and respectful – we will instruct that client to find another facility to better suit their needs/demands. We can provide records via e-mail to the client and/or new facility of their choosing. We can also send records, up to 20 pages, via USPS upon request. Any records that are requested via USPS over 20 pages will require a $5 mailing fee.

All of us at Dyer Animal Clinic are doing our best every day to provide the best care for our patients. We do our best to make our clients happy. However, the Doctors and Staff have had to put up with inappropriate behavior/language from numerous clients these last few of years that has forced us to make these changes and put in more clear policies. These policies are put in place by Dr. Molly Farrell and will be enforced after witnessing and hearing the behavior that has been shown to her staff (and to herself from time to time).

***Policies & Protocols subject to change at any time and accordingly.